Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A break after this break

I was looking forward to come back to Malaysia this round for a short break because I needed one. I last came back in March 2013 to sort out the rental of our house and the sale of our cars. Well, you could say that I have only been away for a short 4 months. It is true but  4 months in a foreign land with no true friends to `lepak', 'minum' and chit chat can be rather lonely and stressful. I honestly desperately needed a break from my Beijing daily routine and monotony and I needed to be away, hopefully with a couple of days away from the kids (not that I don't love them any less) but to have some space to breathe, so to speak.
I thought I had that when Chenya, as arranged earlier will be with my in-laws for a week, while Ryan would be away for several days with them as well. At last, I thought I could go out to my usual hangouts back home in Malaysia for my coffee and hangout with some of my buddies of a couple of beers before heading back to Beijing for another couple of months.
However, I seriously do not think that that is going to happen this round.
Chenya has developed mild fever for a couple of days now and was told yesterday by my in-laws that she was having some dry cough. Ryan apparently missed me so much that he wants to come home.
So, I had both of them coming back to me last night and to make my task taking care of them harder, Ryan woke up this morning and told me that his cheek behind the ear is painful. I took one look and saw that it was swollen. My fear was that he has contacted mumps.
I took both of them to see my good old friend, Dr Liew and his diagnosis was Ryan has contacted mumps which will probably take a week to run it's course while Chenya has acute bronchitis and several medication to take. I need to bring her back to the clinic on Friday for a follow up.
So, there you have it. My next couple of days would be to take care of them, both down with something and Chenya, not feeling well, is becoming very clingy and `sticky'. This is definitely NOT the break that I was looking for.
Right now, my only thoughts and wish is that both would get well as soon as possible and that Chenya would not come down with mumps in the next couple of weeks.
I really need a BREAK after this BREAK!

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